Oh A little bit about me today... I have seen A-Z quizzes around the place, and they always seem like a bit of fun. I never really do this sorta thing, but I thought today, why the heck not! You might even want to play along too, although, not suprisingly, I am breaking all the rules, and making up my own A-Z... whats new right?
So here is my ABC.... a few of my favourite things.
Auckland. Yup, quite simply one of my favourite places in NZ. and only 25 days until I move there! yay!
Bows. Recently I have been making a lot of bows... and wearing them almost everyday.
Colour... I wear alot of black, but I love love love splashes of colour. Red Lips, Bright Jewellery. Just something fun.
Design. Yip. Love it. Even started an etsy with some of my bits and pieces... oh hai!
Exploring. The world, my country, even just my little town. I love to get out and find things, do things, and experience things. Im a bit of gypsy you might say.
Fruit. Pineapple! Mangoes! Apricots! Oh Yum, i freaking love fruit. Cant wait for summer to roll around again! YUM YUM!
Girlfriends. I have the best girls in the world in my life. They are so wonderful, and even though I sometimes get down at the state of girls in this world... my girls ALWAYS make me smile!
Hugs. Seriously dont care who they are from! ahha, I have always loved cuddles. Seriously. When your down get someone to hug you. I promise it will make you feel better.
Inside jokes. Oh how I adore these. Currently my facebook page has been under siege of
Jack. Oh im a sucker for a good Jack Daniels. He is delicious hehe.
Keeping a Journal {it totally counts!} I love looking back on what I was thinking, or doing, or who I had a crush on haha. I guess its like the physical version of blogging. Thats why I love hanging out here so much!
Live Music. Nothing beats a gig, or a large scale concert. I love music, but honestly having it right there infront of you, with other fans. is seriously thee best.
Mail! Duh! I love love love mail. lets be penfriends? hehe
Nicknames. There is something super satisfying about having little nicknames given to you by certain people.
Outrageous Fortune. Good old New Zealand Television. Ah I love this series! Its just quite simply brilliant!
Photography. My true love, and my escape. I just love being able to capture memories. Its kinda very special to my heart.
Quilting. Well, im not sure its a favourite, but ive started one... I wonder if I will be able to finish it any time soon.
Roadtrips. Nuff said really. So much fun, music, the open road, and you and your besties. Nothing beats it.
Singing. Yup. Im definitely not the best singer this world has ever seen, but hey! I love it, and other people dont seem to mind when I get up and belt out a tune or two!
Tattoos. Another no brainer. um, I just kinda love them. infact, im planning my next lot of new additions. So good!
Uganda.... Well. It fits. I promise. Invisible Children is one of my favourite charities, Working with and for the displaced and children soliders in Uganda. To find out more hop along here!
Victoria University Graduate... Maybe not a favourite thing, but something I am really proud of! Yeah whos got a degree? haha.
Whiskey. A double up? Perhaps. But still my favourite. haha.
Xavier and Harvey {ooh sneaky} My adorable little cousins! How can they not be my favourites! I mean, they are so wonderful and always make me feel better.
You. Yip. You make my day everytime you leave a sweet word of encouragement or love. I adore ya'll!
Zzzzzz. {totally not cheating...} I like to sleep in! I stay up late and wake up just as late haha.
That was actually a bunch harder than I thought it was going to be! haha. Oh and before I go, I cant forget to mention... My gorgeous and super rad cousin Jess is having a giveaway... and its of some of my new stuff! So! You should all go and say hello, and enter! Go on, it will be good for you!
So here is my ABC.... a few of my favourite things.
Auckland. Yup, quite simply one of my favourite places in NZ. and only 25 days until I move there! yay!
Bows. Recently I have been making a lot of bows... and wearing them almost everyday.
Colour... I wear alot of black, but I love love love splashes of colour. Red Lips, Bright Jewellery. Just something fun.
Design. Yip. Love it. Even started an etsy with some of my bits and pieces... oh hai!
Exploring. The world, my country, even just my little town. I love to get out and find things, do things, and experience things. Im a bit of gypsy you might say.
Fruit. Pineapple! Mangoes! Apricots! Oh Yum, i freaking love fruit. Cant wait for summer to roll around again! YUM YUM!
Girlfriends. I have the best girls in the world in my life. They are so wonderful, and even though I sometimes get down at the state of girls in this world... my girls ALWAYS make me smile!
Hugs. Seriously dont care who they are from! ahha, I have always loved cuddles. Seriously. When your down get someone to hug you. I promise it will make you feel better.
Inside jokes. Oh how I adore these. Currently my facebook page has been under siege of
Jack. Oh im a sucker for a good Jack Daniels. He is delicious hehe.
Keeping a Journal {it totally counts!} I love looking back on what I was thinking, or doing, or who I had a crush on haha. I guess its like the physical version of blogging. Thats why I love hanging out here so much!
Live Music. Nothing beats a gig, or a large scale concert. I love music, but honestly having it right there infront of you, with other fans. is seriously thee best.
Mail! Duh! I love love love mail. lets be penfriends? hehe
Nicknames. There is something super satisfying about having little nicknames given to you by certain people.
Outrageous Fortune. Good old New Zealand Television. Ah I love this series! Its just quite simply brilliant!
Photography. My true love, and my escape. I just love being able to capture memories. Its kinda very special to my heart.
Quilting. Well, im not sure its a favourite, but ive started one... I wonder if I will be able to finish it any time soon.
Roadtrips. Nuff said really. So much fun, music, the open road, and you and your besties. Nothing beats it.
Singing. Yup. Im definitely not the best singer this world has ever seen, but hey! I love it, and other people dont seem to mind when I get up and belt out a tune or two!
Tattoos. Another no brainer. um, I just kinda love them. infact, im planning my next lot of new additions. So good!
Uganda.... Well. It fits. I promise. Invisible Children is one of my favourite charities, Working with and for the displaced and children soliders in Uganda. To find out more hop along here!
Victoria University Graduate... Maybe not a favourite thing, but something I am really proud of! Yeah whos got a degree? haha.
Whiskey. A double up? Perhaps. But still my favourite. haha.
Xavier and Harvey {ooh sneaky} My adorable little cousins! How can they not be my favourites! I mean, they are so wonderful and always make me feel better.
You. Yip. You make my day everytime you leave a sweet word of encouragement or love. I adore ya'll!
Zzzzzz. {totally not cheating...} I like to sleep in! I stay up late and wake up just as late haha.
That was actually a bunch harder than I thought it was going to be! haha. Oh and before I go, I cant forget to mention... My gorgeous and super rad cousin Jess is having a giveaway... and its of some of my new stuff! So! You should all go and say hello, and enter! Go on, it will be good for you!
Yay! Great ABC... I'm still working on Q for you, must pop in and see if any have been collected yet! :) xx
ReplyDeleteLOVE these!!! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are AWESOME!
What a lovely blog - you've inspired me to start my own list of A-Z :)