Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cross your fingers, and your toes!

Oh my goodness! I have had such a busy busy busy day! There is so much going on that I just cant wait to share but for right now I have to keep it under wraps and its killing me! I just want to burst into a thousand hundred tiny pieces {yip that many!!} However I need to ask a super huge favour!? Can you all pleaaaaaaase keep your fingers, toes, eyelashes {and any other body part you think might help} crossed for me? I cant really tell the reasons why Im needed luck yet, just that I need alot of it! And hopefully, if everything works out, in a few weeks Ill be able to share all the big news with you! How exciting!

In other news. I want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU so much for all the support on my wide load post. You guys are honestly amazing and I am so so so lucky to have found such wonderful blog friends. I love you! I have been to the gyms 4 times this week...Yes thats right, there have only been 5 days. And, Im about to head there, as soon as I have posted this little update. Im totally sticking to my eating plan to! Im super proud of myself because its normally about this time where I want to fall off the wagon and eat chocolate {ok I totally want to do that right now! But im not going to!} so maybe cross your fingers for that too! {Thats alot of crossing I know!} but I am feeling so good, and, dare I say it, I actually look forward to getting to the gym. Working out has been a nice way to get some stress out, goodness knows there has been alot of that recently.



  1. intriguing....

    I'm keep my fingers crossed^^

  2. Intrigue indeed! All fingers and toes are crossed for you on this side of the ditch xo

  3. Everything is crossed! Cant wait to hear your news!

  4. pinkies and toes crossed... good-luck.

  5. Consider everything I can cross, crossed!! :)
    (I'm still waiting on a couple items for your package... I'll be sending it AS SOON as the last couple of things come in, my dear!)

  6. I know what it is!!! And I definitely have my fingers crossed for you lol x

  7. wishing only the best for you and SO PROUD OF YOU for sticking to your goals the past five days!

  8. fingers crossed too! Can u email me re: favorite swap u hosted! Thank you!

  9. I am sending you good luck vibes! Fingers crossed!
