Oh I totally did! 7 Hours of sitting in a movie theatre, a little bit of junk food, 3 other lovely ladies, and plenty of giggles. Yes, Its true, Last night I went, where no sane 20 year old should go... To the Twilight Saga Triple Feature at the movies. That's right folks. 7pm Twilight. 9.15pm New Moon. 12.01am Eclipse. Midnight screening!! {judge me if you must!} Haha It actually wasn't swarming with crazy twilight fans, like I thought It would be... perhaps all the little ones weren't allowed to come. There were surprisingly a lot of 'adults' {now I put this in quotations because really, what real mature adult goes to a midnight screening of a teen romance novel haha} It was pretty funny sitting through twilight, I realised what a crappily made movie it is, and how lame the story line is, haha. I also cant get over the sparkling. {vampires don't sparkle, i know, I've met one} It was only the second time I had seen New Moon, so it was nice to get a refresher before the big premiere of Eclipse. The film... well it was definitely a build up movie to the next installment, though I suppose the book was much the same. The ending to me felt super anti climatic, but I guess its all in preparation for Breaking Dawn... I heard they are making that film in 2 installments? {nothing like prolonging the inevitable huh!!} I just read what I wrote and realised how cynical and crabby I sound, Don't get me wrong, I liked the film, of course I did, as much as I deny it I do like twilight. I guess the ending was a bit of a let down for me, and because of that I left the cinema feeling a bit flat {then again that could of been because it was 2am and I had just watched 7 hours of movies!} There were some definite funny one liners, and some good moments. I think the chemistry between the characters has finally all clicked into place, which was kinda nice to see from a audience point of view. Oh and for all you Jacob fans....Yeah he is pretty much topless all of the movie. {I am definitely not Team Jacob, but dang that boy is fine. }
You should go see it. You know you want to. I would say take the girls, get a little reckless, and have a giggle. And while your thinking about that, you still have time to enter the photo swap.
You should go see it. You know you want to. I would say take the girls, get a little reckless, and have a giggle. And while your thinking about that, you still have time to enter the photo swap.
I saw it this morning! I loved it! It was my favorite book. I agree with the first movie. That director shouldn't have been chosen, I thought the picture looked like it had an awkward blue tint throughout the whole movie. And I am not really a fan of her other movie Thirteen, it just doesn't flow.
ReplyDeleteI heard Breaking Dawn is coming out June 2011 the first version! A whole year :(
I don't have a ton of interest in seeing the movie, but it's true that Jacob is one fiiiiiiiiiine specimen!
ReplyDelete7 hours of Twilight. Not sure how you managed. Having said that I'm still keen to see the latest one, just not sure if I could cope with all three straight up. lol
ReplyDeleteoh i love this post! i also went along to the midnight screening (fighting the fear that i would be judged by the majority of my friends)! i really enjoyed this one - definatley more than twilight and i think i liked it better than new mooon... :)! it will be interesting to see how they do the last one!
ReplyDeletethanks for being a loud and proud twilight fan!!
kel x
p.s - i was completely surprised by the number of grown men keenly lining up at midnight for the teen chick flick :)!!
As someone who has loved horror movies for as long as I've been allowed to watch them (actually I've loved them since before I was allowed to watch them!) I can never ever accept a sparkly vampire!
ReplyDeleteBut then, it's not like these are horror films.
Glad you had a super time - Rich and I are going to a film festival later this month and will be watching a 12am - 4am double feature. I hope I survive!
oh man, I have not seen or read Twilight. Being from Arizona (same state as Stepanie Meyer) there are so many crazy Twilight fans here. I did got to a midnight viewing of Harry Potter though and I was stupid happy. There were people in cloaks and a lot of them had wands. I loved it!!
ReplyDeleteI wish my theater had the triple showing, I sat there for 7 hours and only got to see Eclipse! But soooo worth it! Go Edward :)